
  M&A Webinar Series - Putting the Pedal to the Metal: Using Accelerated Gain For Your Next Deal Download Presentation Materials Webinar 10.05.2021 11:00am — 10.05.2021 11:15am

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In this edition of William Mullen’s M&A Webinar Series, Larry Parker is joined by Conrad Garcia, chair of our Tax Section, to discuss strategies to accelerate gain in 2021. Specifically, Conrad touches on electing out of installment method treatment, taxable rollover equity, negative capital accounts (applicable to partnerships and LLCs) and distributions in excess of basis (applicable to S corporations) through leveraged distributions. He also gave a high level overview of the potential implications of the proposed federal tax legislation, including on QSBS.

As clients contemplate the potential for tax increases in the near future, many have asked us to develop strategies to accelerate taxable gain into 2021. 

Join Williams Mullen’s M&A Practice Chair, Larry Parker, as he interviews our Tax Section Chair, Conrad Garcia, to learn more about these strategies. 

Questions? Contact Stephanie Simpson | Senior Event Planner | ssimpson@williamsmullen.com

Disclaimer: This webinar is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice nor automatically form an attorney-client relationship with participants.