
  Virginia Solar & Energy Storage Tax and Revenue Share Overview Download Materials Webinar 05.05.2022 11:00am


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Understanding how solar and energy storage projects are taxed in Virginia is often confusing. Who assesses the value? What is the rate? Are any tax exemptions available? What is the revenue share?

Join us on Thursday, May 5, from 11:00 – 11:30 am (ET) for an informative webinar where we will provide an overview of Virginia state and local taxes applicable to solar and energy storage projects in Virginia. 

The webinar will be hosted by Brad Nowak, partner and co-chair of Williams Mullen’s Solar & Energy Storage team, where he will be joined by Kyle Wingfield, partner with Williams Mullen’s State and Local Tax Practice Group.

What you will learn about:

  • Recent legislation affecting the taxation of 5 MW and below solar projects
  • “Certified Pollution Control Equipment and Facilities” Exemption
  • Who assesses a solar project? 
  • Solar and Energy Storage Revenue Share