News Archive

  • 10.24.2023

    KVCF Move to Williams Mullen Covered by Virginia Lawyers Weekly

    Thomas Voekler was interviewed by Virginia Lawyers Weekly, where he discussed the group of 10 attorneys joining Williams Mullen. Voekler shared that the move added practices that they needed, including tax representation and a deeper bench to support clients...
  • 10.23.2023

    Meet the Affordable Housing Performance Grant - the City of Richmond’s Newest Affordable Housing...

    The “toolbox” of incentives for increasing the supply of affordable housing in the City of Richmond now features a new tool that is attracting considerable attention from both for-profit and non-profit developers. This tool is so new, in fact, that you cannot...
  • 10.20.2023

    Addition of Six Hampton Roads Attorneys From Pierce McCoy Covered by Law360

    Gabe McCoy, a partner in the Corporate Section, was interviewed by Law360 on his team’s arrival to Williams Mullen. "Joining a firm with resources that complements and adds to our practice strengths made sense for our clients and it is exciting for our team...
  • 10.19.2023

    Recap from the Trenches: Reactions to EPA’s 2023 Big Air Agenda

    The first three quarters of 2023 have seen an unprecedented number of rulemakings under the Clean Air Act. The Biden administration has released a new suite of proposed rulemakings with a particular focus on climate change and air toxics. In our April ...
  • 10.19.2023

    North Carolina’s Wetlands Saga is Over (for now)

    As a result of the North Carolina Farm Act of 2023 (Session Law 2023-63), North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ or the Department) may now only regulate wetlands that are subject to federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction. While developers...
  • 10.19.2023

    EPA Plant Shutdown Appeal Heats Up

    EPA is attempting to use the Clean Air Act (CAA) to immediately shut down a Louisiana manufacturer that is indisputably in compliance with the emissions limits in its state issued air permit. In its emergency request to a United States District Court, EPA...
  • 10.19.2023

    EPA Expands Conditions for 401 Water Quality Certifications

    The Clean Water Act (CWA) section 401 Water Quality Certification (401 WQC) is a big deal. The certification is required for all direct discharge permits and CWA section 404 Permits to dredge or fill waters of the United States. Because most local publicly...
  • 10.19.2023

    PODCAST: IRS 2024 Health Plan Affordability Threshold May Put Some at Risk

    On this episode of Williams Mullen's Benefits Companion, host Brydon DeWitt shares insight on what employers need to consider now that the Affordable Care Act benchmark for determining the affordability of employer-sponsored health coverage will drop...
  • 10.19.2023

    Nathan Kottkamp Addresses HIPAA in Relias Media Publication

    Nathan Kottkamp was quoted in the September edition of ED Management, a Relias Media publication that focuses on emergency medicine. In the article “Prying Eyes Put EDs at High Risk for HIPAA Violations,” Nathan describes the importance of training to help...
  • 10.19.2023

    Environmental Notes - October 2023

    Click on the image below for a full PDF of the Environmental Newsletter.