

07.28.2015 Williams Mullen Announces Data Protection & Cybersecurity Practice

Williams Mullen is pleased to announce the creation of a focused multi-disciplinary team to advise businesses on protecting their digital corporate assets, including personal data, intellectual property, and sensitive commercial information. The firm’s Data Protection and Cybersecurity Practice consists of a  team of attorneys with the diverse set of skills and experience needed to keep ahead of the evolving legal and regulatory framework, including health care, finance, government contracting, IP, geolocation and more.

“Regardless of industry, service, product or size, every company is now also a data company,” said Rob Van Arnam, Co-Chair of the Data Protection and Cybersecurity Practice. “The electronic use and storage of sensitive information about the company and its customers facilitate business but create vulnerabilities. Our team of lawyers counsel clients regarding the privacy, storage and use of information in numerous industries such as financial services, health care, retail, software and technology.”

Servers, computer hard drives and mobile devices used for business all likely contain valuable intellectual property and business data that can be commercialized for profit. Conversely, they can also include sensitive commercial data and personal information on customers and employees that are increasingly subject to legal protection. The Data Protection and Cybersecurity team at Williams Mullen can help you optimize the value of digital assets while still complying with an ever-changing legal and regulatory framework. Equally important, they can advise on measures to manage and protect these digital assets from third party attacks, so they do not become a significant liability.

“The driver for many companies is to leverage the data that they collect and use” said Kevin Pomfret, Co-Chair of the Data Protection and Cybersecurity Practice. “We can help these companies develop and innovate products and services that use this data in ways that minimize legal and regulatory risk.”

From helping to develop privacy policies for clients, to advising on how to comprehensively and effectively respond to data breaches and, if necessary, provide trial attorneys to represent clients against claims from federal agencies and regulators, state Attorneys General and private litigants, the cybersecurity team at Williams Mullen can address all clients’ concerns with regard to the use and protection of sensitive digital information, including financial services, health care, retail, and other industries.