The Behavioral Health Transactions and Operations Team regularly helps clients purchase, finance and operate a host of behavioral health facilities and licensed services. Our goal is to provide comprehensive legal services in the behavioral health space, which includes assisting with all stages of the transaction from pre-letter of intent planning through closing. The team also structures joint venture agreements and leasing arrangements, and provides guidance with complicated ownership structures. Our attorneys have experience working with dozens of lenders and can serve as borrower’s counsel for term, mezzanine and working capital financing. 

The Behavioral Health Transactions and Operations Team regularly helps clients purchase, finance and operate a host of behavioral health facilities and licensed services. Our goal is to provide comprehensive legal services in the behavioral health space, which includes assisting with all stages of the transaction from pre-letter of intent planning through closing. The team also structures joint venture agreements and leasing arrangements, and provides guidance with complicated ownership structures. Our attorneys have experience working with dozens of lenders and can serve as borrower’s counsel for term, mezzanine and working capital financing. 

In conjunction with our attorneys’ transactional experience, we work regularly with state departments of health on Certificate of Need matters, helping clients at every stage from strategy-setting through hearings. We represent providers before state licensure agencies to help secure timely licensure of behavioral health facilities and services. Upon licensure and closing, we often assist with complex reimbursement issues and payor enrollment, leveraging experience with payors to help ensure a smooth transition. Finally, we provide guidance with continuing regulatory compliance on a range of operational and licensure issues.

Our team is knowledgeable in state and federal regulations for behavioral health facilities. A key component of effective operation in this space is a comprehensive understanding of reimbursement and payor systems, topics well understood by team members.

In this space, our team advises on the following projects:

  • Acquisition and licensure of substance use disorder rehabilitation and treatment facilities
  • Acquisition and licensure of mental illness treatment facilities
  • Acquisition and licensure of developmental or intellectual disability treatment facilities
  • Regulatory compliance, contracting and operational issues related to behavioral health facilities and licensure. 
  • Certificate of Need/Certificate of Public Need