

12.08.2016 Williams Mullen On Call | Fall 2016

Welcome to the first quarterly edition of Williams Mullen On Call. In this and future editions, the Williams Mullen Health Care Team will present you with interviews of leaders in the health care community, summaries of certain “breaking news,” and roundups of recent Williams Mullen alerts and articles in legal and industry publications, announcements and coming events. We are honored that for this inaugural edition, Dr. Bill Hazel, Virginia’s Secretary of Health and Human Resources, and Barry E. DuVal, President and CEO of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, have agreed to share their hopes and expectations for the health care system over the next few years.

We invite you to let us know your thoughts about this publication and to identify any additional issues that you would like for us to cover. Thank you for joining us for this edition, and we look forward to presenting you with what we hope you will find to be insightful and practical information for years to come.

Patrick C. Devine, Jr., Editor
Partner, Health Care

Breaking News: Final Rule Implementing MACRA

On October 14, 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final rule (the “Final Rule”) implementing the Medicare Access and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Authorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) (Pub. L. 114-10). MACRA is a landmark Medicare reform law eliminating the sustainable growth rate formula for physician reimbursement and instead providing for predictable payment increases and value-based reimbursement. Published in the November 4, 2016, Federal Register (81 FR 77008), the Final Rule formally establishes the Quality Payment Program (QPP) and its two clinician reimbursement models: the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (“Advanced APMs”). More >>

Business leaders recognize the importance of seeking legal counsel to navigate the complex laws and regulations governing health care. However, changing business practices to comply with the legal landscape can be costly, time consuming and not without its own set of risks. The legislative process provides an alternative path for compliance. Simply put, there are times where changing the law is a better solution.

Using the legislative process to resolve issues is an often overlooked opportunity. A strong government affairs effort at the state level allows providers, payors and other businesses to pursue changes to laws that negatively impact their businesses or prevent laws from passing that would unnecessarily increase regulatory burdens.

The following is an update on Virginia’s and North Carolina’s 2017 legislative sessions, and key policy issues that will be under consideration in both states. More >>

Williams Mullen On Call Q&A: Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel Talks Health Care Issues

Williams Mullen recently interviewed Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel to discuss the current health care system and health care forum. More >>

Williams Mullen On Call Q&A: Virginia Chamber President Speaks Out on Health Care Issues

Williams Mullen recently interviewed Virginia Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Barry DuVal to obtain the Virginia business community’s perspective on the current health care system and health reform. More >>

News Roundup

The following Williams Mullen alerts and articles provide an overview of topics of interest to the health care industry.